Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 20 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College  Day 20 of 21

Father, we pray that our colleges and universities, that they would be filled with the tangible presence of God. We pray that each student will have the opportunity to grow and develop spiritually as well as intellectually. 

May the campuses be free from barriers and prejudices against faithbased organizations, and may these organizations thrive, grow, and bring many into a mature understanding of You. 

We thank you for the new freedoms that campus life gives to students, but we also pray for protection from the problems caused by using freedom to develop personal and moral habits that are unhealthy. 

We thank you for those who are courageously living their faith and displaying their faith on campus. Give our Christian students courage to live out their faith in an atmosphere that is often skeptical of faith. 

We pray that many more graduating high school seniors would continue their education in institutions of higher learning. May our colleges and universities produce influential, godly leaders who will bring the Kingdom values of righteousness and justice into every sphere of culture.

 Lord, we lift up the professors, deans, and presidents of our colleges. In addition to wisdom in their area of specialty, give them spiritual wisdom. We pray that the Holy Spirit will use Christian professors and faculty as a mighty force for truth and that a new standard of righteousness would be raised up on our campuses. 
We pray that our colleges and universities might become centers for revival rather than for the tearing down of the faith of our young adults. We ask You to work through Christian groups and churches on campuses to bring thousands of young men and women to faith in Jesus Christ.

We pray that our Christian universities would equip our young people with a biblical worldview, causing them to thrive in their faith through their entire college experience.

May your mighty hand move. Let the Holy Spirit be felt with unmistakable power in a way that changes many lives today as well as many future careers and future marriages tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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