Thursday, October 10, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 16 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 16 of 21

Lord, we are deeply grateful for the school teachers of our city and state! Thank you for their willingness to serve the next generation and for the personal sacrifice so many make as they go above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of their students.

We bless our teachers in the name of the Lord and ask for divine health and Your abundant blessing on their families and finances. We pray they would know and serve You!

Holy Spirit, You are the ultimate Teacher, and we invite You into our classrooms to lead students and teachers alike “into all truth.” Father, we pray for every teacher with a true calling from You to be an educator. We cry out for a fresh anointing for our teachers – that they would be supernaturally empowered to achieve results far beyond their natural skills!

Father, we pray over the most important factor in our students’ success; the quality and effectiveness of our teachers.

We ask for teachers who are extraordinarily gifted and effective and have a passion for teaching in our school system. And for those teachers who are not bearing fruit and would be better suited to other careers, move them on to those.
We pray for any teacher who is exhausted from the day-to-day job stress and has lost vision and enthusiasm. Would You “fully satisfy the needs of those who are weary and fully refresh the souls of those who are faint” (Jer. 31:25). We ask that You would refresh and encourage those teachers who may be so discouraged that they are on the verge of leaving.

Please streamline the workload of our teachers and remove bureaucratic, time-wasting activities that take them away from teaching. Increase the productivity and effectiveness of every teacher we pray! Father, we ask for the teaching materials that our teachers need and for the financial provision for every need to be met this school year, in Jesus’ name!

May those who oversee the education of our children do so in the fear of the Lord!

Remind them daily of how serious it is to cause a child who believes in Christ to stumble (Matthew 18:8) and that those who teach are judged more strictly (James 3:1).

We call upon You to instill a spirit of peace, cooperation, and mutual respect among students, teachers, and administration. May brotherly kindness be the hallmark of every school, and let teaching be a source of joy and fulfillment for our precious teachers! Amen.

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