Friday, October 18, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 21 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College  Day 21 of 21

Father, bless the students in preschools, home schools, private, charter and public schools, as well as colleges and universities with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of who You are.

We praise You that You have heard every prayer over these past 21 days as we have cried out to You on behalf of our schools.

Now we ask that You would be glorified, that You would be exalted over our schools and over every power and principality that would seek to influence and infiltrate with the purpose to deceive and destroy the next generation.

We believe it is time for our Christian students and teachers to ARISE AND SHINE as Your glory rises upon them, and we believe that nations will come to the brightness of their rising. (Isa. 60:1,3)

We stand in faith on Your many prophetic promises that Your glory is going to be revealed in the Carolinas in a dramatic and unprecedented way.

Thank you that when You revealed Your glory to Moses, it was Your goodness that passed in front of him! Likewise, we remain confident knowing that we will surely see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (schools) (Ps. 27:13)!

Please reveal Yourself and Your ways in undeniable and sovereign acts. May our schools fulfill their sovereign purpose according to the highest plans of God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 20 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College  Day 20 of 21

Father, we pray that our colleges and universities, that they would be filled with the tangible presence of God. We pray that each student will have the opportunity to grow and develop spiritually as well as intellectually. 

May the campuses be free from barriers and prejudices against faithbased organizations, and may these organizations thrive, grow, and bring many into a mature understanding of You. 

We thank you for the new freedoms that campus life gives to students, but we also pray for protection from the problems caused by using freedom to develop personal and moral habits that are unhealthy. 

We thank you for those who are courageously living their faith and displaying their faith on campus. Give our Christian students courage to live out their faith in an atmosphere that is often skeptical of faith. 

We pray that many more graduating high school seniors would continue their education in institutions of higher learning. May our colleges and universities produce influential, godly leaders who will bring the Kingdom values of righteousness and justice into every sphere of culture.

 Lord, we lift up the professors, deans, and presidents of our colleges. In addition to wisdom in their area of specialty, give them spiritual wisdom. We pray that the Holy Spirit will use Christian professors and faculty as a mighty force for truth and that a new standard of righteousness would be raised up on our campuses. 
We pray that our colleges and universities might become centers for revival rather than for the tearing down of the faith of our young adults. We ask You to work through Christian groups and churches on campuses to bring thousands of young men and women to faith in Jesus Christ.

We pray that our Christian universities would equip our young people with a biblical worldview, causing them to thrive in their faith through their entire college experience.

May your mighty hand move. Let the Holy Spirit be felt with unmistakable power in a way that changes many lives today as well as many future careers and future marriages tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 19 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 19 of 21

Heavenly Father, we pray for abundant funding to be released over our schools and for the prospering of students and teachers. We ask for a new level of generosity and faith as churches step up to provide food, clothing, and supplies for students. Give these churches creative wisdom and strategies as they approach schools and distribute the resources that You’re providing.

Inspire pastors and leaders to build relationships with the schools in their areas, stepping in with finances and volunteers from their church! Bless the many churches that are taking initiative in their community through Adopt-ASchool programs.

Thank you for the positive responses from schools that are already being blessed by the work of Your Church. We ask for boldness and love as churches reach out to principals and faculty. Open the door for schools to receive the help of these churches!

 Lord, impart vision to the business community and to the elected representatives of the community as they partner with their districts. We pray that local businesses would be moved to donate and support long-term programs in struggling schools.

May You release godly volunteers, mentors, tutors, and coaches to come alongside students, teachers, and their families. We pray that more churches would be led to partner with schools, becoming a financial support and a spiritual covering over the teachers and students.

Raise Your Church to partner with local schools in caring for the needs of every student and their families. May Your Church shine brightly and glorify God in our schools through unprecedented acts of love, service, and kindness, in Jesus’ name. Amen

NOTE: On April 21, 2018, there was a shooting at Forest High School here in Ocala, Fl. 1 student was injured. Students didn't want to go into the room where the shooting occurred. The room's use was changed to one of helping students. Now students need help can receive food, clothing, school supplies and counseling provided by Christian volunteers. The room is called "the Rock". There are now 8 "Rocks" in the high schools and middle schools of Marion County Schools. All of this was possible through the cooperation of school administrators, Christian businesses and the local churches. PTL!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 18 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 18 of 21

Father, we pray for those in authority over our schools. As taxpayers, voters, and parents we bring before You our city and state educational system. We pray for the State Department of Education, the State Board of Education, and our City and County Education Agencies and ask that You would bless all who work there.

May Your wisdom direct them and may a fresh wind of Your Spirit blow into our state educational system at the highest levels! Where there is turmoil, we pray for peacemakers who can bring a fair and righteous outcome in a spirit of humility.
We pray for the State Superintendent of Schools. We ask for the wisdom that is from above to be given to them: favor, strategy and the ability to bring about consensus, cooperation, and reconciliation at the highest levels in our state.

We pray for district superintendents and school principals. Help them in their day-to-day responsibilities. Let them function in a spirit of peace and bring peace and order into situations. Expand their leadership and executive abilities we pray and help them to implement innovative solutions to bring unity and productivity to their schools.

We pray for positive and happy work environments and for healthy professional regard and respect among all faculty, administration, and staff.

We stand in faith, and we boldly pray that all of our schools will embrace biblical values and operate on the principles of our constitution and protect the rights of the weak and the “least of these.” We pray that our rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion will be upheld and protected in our classrooms this year.
We pray that school staff and faculty members will not be antagonistic toward Christian students or teachers and their values. Let our Christian students will be respectful of non-Christian teachers. Change the hearts and minds of those who are offended by the gospel and transform hostility into sincere inquiry and dialog.

May the hearts of all in leadership always put the good of our students first. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 17 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 17 of 21

Father, we are grateful for every improvement in the well-being of our children over the past five years, and we thank you for what You are doing in the families of our city and state.

We bring before You every family struggling and in pain, whether from divorce, poverty, unemployment, drug or alcohol abuse, or domestic violence. Please bring healing, comfort, and provision for these broken homes. We also pray for a dramatic transformation of the economy in our state and in our cities, especially neighborhoods with upward mobility challenges.

We lift to You students who are homeless in our schools and are staying at shelters, on the street, or living in cars. Your Father’s heart is for the destitute and vulnerable, and we ask that You would help these students and their families in powerful ways only You can.

According to Your Word in Malachi 4:6 we cry out for the hearts of the fathers to be turned to their children and the hearts of the children to be turned to their fathers! We pray for those parents who simply lack the motivation, sense of responsibility, or parenting skills to raise their children well. Break off apathy and helplessness and show them where they can find help. Please bring good parenting role models into the lives of young parents or teen moms who may not have had them while growing up.

Raise effective spiritual fathers and mothers, we pray! Please turn the tide of young people leaving the Church, as six out of ten who grew up as Christians walk away from their faith in their twenties. Bring another Great Awakening to the youth and families. We pray, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 16 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 16 of 21

Lord, we are deeply grateful for the school teachers of our city and state! Thank you for their willingness to serve the next generation and for the personal sacrifice so many make as they go above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of their students.

We bless our teachers in the name of the Lord and ask for divine health and Your abundant blessing on their families and finances. We pray they would know and serve You!

Holy Spirit, You are the ultimate Teacher, and we invite You into our classrooms to lead students and teachers alike “into all truth.” Father, we pray for every teacher with a true calling from You to be an educator. We cry out for a fresh anointing for our teachers – that they would be supernaturally empowered to achieve results far beyond their natural skills!

Father, we pray over the most important factor in our students’ success; the quality and effectiveness of our teachers.

We ask for teachers who are extraordinarily gifted and effective and have a passion for teaching in our school system. And for those teachers who are not bearing fruit and would be better suited to other careers, move them on to those.
We pray for any teacher who is exhausted from the day-to-day job stress and has lost vision and enthusiasm. Would You “fully satisfy the needs of those who are weary and fully refresh the souls of those who are faint” (Jer. 31:25). We ask that You would refresh and encourage those teachers who may be so discouraged that they are on the verge of leaving.

Please streamline the workload of our teachers and remove bureaucratic, time-wasting activities that take them away from teaching. Increase the productivity and effectiveness of every teacher we pray! Father, we ask for the teaching materials that our teachers need and for the financial provision for every need to be met this school year, in Jesus’ name!

May those who oversee the education of our children do so in the fear of the Lord!

Remind them daily of how serious it is to cause a child who believes in Christ to stumble (Matthew 18:8) and that those who teach are judged more strictly (James 3:1).

We call upon You to instill a spirit of peace, cooperation, and mutual respect among students, teachers, and administration. May brotherly kindness be the hallmark of every school, and let teaching be a source of joy and fulfillment for our precious teachers! Amen.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 15 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 15 of 21

Father we thank You for every governing board member willing to serve our schools and communities! We ask that You would give them stamina, courage, and the wisdom from above to overcome challenges in their districts.

We ask that Your plans and purposes for each school would be reflected in their long- term strategic planning, and we invite Your Spirit to be present in every school board meeting across our state!

Lord, we pray for Your answers to the obstacles that often confront our school boards the lack of unified vision, little urgency to implement needed reforms, resistance to change, frequent member turnover making it difficult to follow through on long-term strategies, financial shortfalls, community apathy, disunity, and lack of stable leadership.

We pray that You would bring order, peace, and clarity in these situations and that You would raise those gifted leaders who would champion the education of the next generation.

We fervently cry out to You to ACTIVATE Your Church to be involved in the governance of our schools by voting, attending board meetings, and serving as board members!

Help us be salt and light in our local communities and not neglect our schools, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 14 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 14 of 21

Lord, shine your light upon our schools and drive out all darkness, spiritual blindness, perversion of truth, and hostility toward You and Your truth, we pray.

From our universities to our preschools, we pray for excellent curricula and programs that would make our students competitive in their career field and prepare them for life. We pray the truth would be the foundation of what is taught in every subject.

We pray that all attempts to use curricula in our schools as a way to disciple our young people in humanism and other godless ideologies would be stopped.

Please would You raise godly men and women to be on textbook selection committees for every school district.

We ask for teachers and school boards to select curriculum that preserves our godly heritage as a nation. We pray for the selection of textbooks that present biblically-based values that will help guide students down a path that leads to blessings.

Father, we ask that You lead and guide those in positions of decision-making in our schools to set fair policies that protect the rights of our teachers and students to openly present their biblical points of view in an fair and non-threatening manner.

Lord Jesus, when teachers and students are confronted with subject matter that goes against their biblical worldview, we call upon You to give them the right words to speak with wisdom, strength and gentleness of heart.

Please root out anti-American bias and historical revisionism that has crept into so many classrooms and replace it with good citizenship and Judeo-Christian values. Raise watchmen and gatekeepers for truth and excellence in our schools who would guard over what is taught to our young people! Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 13 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 13 of 21

Heavenly Father, we invite You to every classroom and ask for a spirit of peace, respect, and excellence to prevail in both students and teachers. We pray that students will have the desire and discipline to learn, and we ask for an environment that is conducive to learning, creativity, inquiry, and critical thinking.

We pray for the effect and impact of these powerful scriptures over our schools and ask for You to shift the atmosphere to one that reflects Your Kingdom – with righteousness, peace and joy!
We cry out to You, Lord, to guard our students from any harm: physical, mental, or spiritual.

We speak boldly against thoughts, plans, and intents to harm our children on our campuses. Protect them as they travel to and from school and during all of their classroom and extracurricular activities.

Father, we pray for our police and school security to be specially anointed to guard our schools. Give them eyes to see anything that is wrong and warn them of any plan of the enemy.

We pray for peace – by inviting the prince of peace and by making peace with the God of peace – so that there will be no shootings, no bombings, and no harassing threats against our students and our schools throughout this school year!

We pray against bullying in all forms, declaring this domineering, vindictive, mocking, and accusing evil practice and the spirit behind it be banished from our schools, in Jesus’ name!

We pray that there would be a change in the culture that feeds this maliciousness. As part of that culture change, we ask that You would make Your people shine! Let Christians be known as courageous student champions who defend victims and bring healing and peace into a situation.

We also pray that You would defend Christian students and teachers from those who would seek to bully, intimidate or silence them. We ask that You would raise many who are not ashamed of the gospel and who will exercise their rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion with boldness and graciousness.

Raise strong and godly leadership among Christian groups and campus clubs and help them minister effectively to those around them. We pray that as the gospel advances on campuses, culture would shift to one of love, respect, joy and peace, we pray. Amen.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 12 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 12 of 21

Father, we pray for the physical health, well-being, and safety of our kids! Most of these problems have a moral and spiritual root cause. Raise those who can effectively disciple our youth in godly lifestyles and practical wisdom. Parents are the front line of defense, and we ask that You would touch our families. Transform the health of entire households, starting with the parents and filtering down to the students!

Please inspire a real change in eating and exercise habits. Give wisdom to those who run school meal programs and help our students be nourished with wholesome food, we pray.

We pray for an end to the pervasive drug culture in our schools. Please protect our children and young people from getting involved in gangs, drugs, sex, and other destructive activities. We ask that You would reveal the dealers and dry up supply. We pray for Your deliverance for those students struggling with depression, alcohol, drugs, and pornography.

We pray that, by the power of Jesus Christ and our invitation for him to walk our campuses, students would experience life and that our schools would become suicide, drug, and promiscuity free zones! Spirits of death, depression, oppression, and hopelessness have no place on this campus, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday, October 3, 2019



Great industrial concerns have in their employ men who are needed only
when there is a breakdown somewhere. When something goes wrong with
the machinery, these men spring into action to locate and remove the
trouble and get the machinery rolling again.

For these men a smoothly operating system has no interest. They
are specialists concerned with trouble and how to find and correct it.

In the kingdom of God things are not too different. God has always had
His specialists whose chief concern has been the moral breakdown,
the decline in the spiritual health of the nation or the church. Such
men were Elijah, Jeremiah, Malachi and others of their kind who
appeared at critical moments in history to reprove,  rebuke and exhort
in the name of God and righteousness.

A thousand or ten thousand ordinary priests or pastors or teachers
could labor quietly on almost unnoticed while the spiritual life of
Israel or the church was normal. But let the people of God go astray
from the paths of truth and immediately the specialist appeared almost
out of nowhere. His instinct for trouble brought him to the help of
the Lord and of Israel.

Such a man was likely to be drastic, radical, possibly at times
violent, and the curious crowd that gathered to watch him work
soon branded him as extreme, fanatical, negative. And in a sense they
were right. He was single-minded, severe, fearless, and these were the
qualities the circumstances demanded. He shocked some, frightened
others and alienated not a few, but he knew who had called him and
what he was sent to do. His ministry was geared to the emergency, and
that fact marked him out as different, a man apart.

To such men as this the church owes a debt too heavy to pay. The
curious thing is that she seldom tries to pay him while he lives, but
the next generation builds his sepulcher and writes his biography, as
if instinctively and awkwardly to discharge an obligation the previous
generation to a large extent ignored...

[-From the Foreword to Leonard Ravenhill's "Why Revival Tarries". A
brilliant book!]

The historian D'Aubigne writes: "A great work of God is never 
accomplished by the natural strength of man. It is from the dry
bones, the darkness and the dust of death, that God is pleased to
select the  instruments by means of which He designs to scatter over
the earth His light, regeneration and life." [- D'Aubigne's "History of
the Reformation"].

Another writer has observed: "In the various crises that have
occurred in the history of the church, men have come to the front who
have manifested a holy recklessness that astonished their fellows.
When Luther nailed his theses to the door of the cathe- dral at
Wittemburg, cautious men were astonished at his audacity. When John
Wesley ignored all church restrictions and religious propriety and
preached in the fields and by-ways, men declared his reputation was
ruined. So it has been in all ages. When the religious condition of
the times called for men who were willing to sacrifice all for Christ,
the demand created the supply, and there have always been found a few
who have been willing to be regarded reckless for the Lord. An utter
recklessness concerning men's opinions and other consequences is the
only attitude that  can meet the exigencies of the present times."
[Quoted by Frank Bartleman in "Azusa Street", pg 46. (Also published
as "Another Wave Rolls in"). - Another brilliant book!]

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 11 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 11 of 21

Lord, we thank You for every private Christian school, college, preschool, and godly homeschool.. Thank You for the parents, teachers, and families who are hard at work educating the next generation in excellence and with a biblical worldview.

As You did for Solomon or for Daniel, give our Christian students maturity beyond their years and a supernatural ability to learn and to excel academically, above and beyond the norm.
In Jesus name. Amen

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 10 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 10 of 21

Thank You that all true creativity comes from You and that the first mention of being “filled with the Spirit” in the Bible is for the purpose of a supernatural gifting in the arts!

May a new spirit of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship come upon the young people of Charlotte, Metrolina and beyond. We pray for our young artists, dancers, musicians, actors, graphic designers, filmmakers, and writers. We bless their creativity in Jesus’ name, and we ask that You would cause these gifts to flourish during this crucial time in their lives.

Father, we are praying that You would do something extraordinary among our young artists and performers! We believe that in this coming year, we will hear about our students winning national and international awards and competitions; they will be given a place on the world’s stage through their films, books, performances, and art!

May new sources of funding for the arts in our schools and universities be released this year. Raise Christians who love the arts and who will invest in the next generation with their finances and with their time – as coaches, professors, and teachers.

We fervently pray over the performing and visual art departments in our schools and universities. For those that may have become magnets for darkness by celebrating and exploring the worst parts of culture and the human psyche, we ask that You would cleanse and restore our art departments to be centers of life, creativity, healing and beauty.

We pray for our young engineers and those with a passion for technology. We claim and agree with Your prophetic promise that Charlotte and the Carolinas are going to be blessed with intellectual property and that this will be a gateway to prosperity!

We lift those who are involved in pioneering research in our universities. Give them cutting edge breakthroughs in their work, we pray. Let Charlotte and the Carolinas become known as new hubs of innovation excellence with a deep pool of scientific and technical talent that attracts hightech companies with high paying jobs to our state.

We pray for more Christian students with a vision to glorify You in the arts, technology, and research. We pray that You would give them dreams and visions with creative ideas and breakthrough solution. May Your favor cause them to be promoted to places of influence within their spheres! Amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College Day 9 of 21

Praying For Our Students Kindergarten Through College
Day 9 of 21

Your Word tells us that without a vision, people perish (Prov 29:18). Lord, we pray for VISION for administrators, principals, teachers, parents, and students! Give them Your vision of what their schools can become and stir their faith and hope to action. Let them see that NOTHING is impossible with God, no matter how bad the situation!

Father of Light, we ask You to plant a vision within our students to see academic success as a real possibility in their lives. Give them the vision to overcome the challenges they live with.

We pray for mentors and tutors to come alongside each one who is struggling and give them the educational support and vital encouragement needed to finish their schooling.

Please open the windows of heaven over our struggling schools for finances and competent staff. Let our schools receive a blessing they can’t contain! Lord, we ask that You would be glorified when their needs are supernaturally met.

Help our students who are struggling – whether with learning disabilities or with troubled families or anything else that would hinder them. We pray that You would restore their confidence and motivation. Protect them from discouragement as result of failures and setbacks. And, we ask that You would release the specialized teachers these students need.

Encourage all who feel like giving up to press through to victory, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.